
The VRC regularly convenes stakeholders on subjects of strategic interest to the violence reduction field. Each year, the VRC holds symposia to advance knowledge and practice in specific policy areas, using a multi-disciplinary approach that engages academics, policymakers, and practitioners, as well as individuals and groups with relevant lived experiences. 

Symposium on Community Violence Problem Analysis

In cities across the United States, research demonstrates that community violence concentrates in and around small groups of people and places. Analyses that identify these concentrations can help local policymakers guide anti-violence resources to where they are needed most, but unfortunately, the capacity for conducting them remains limited.

On April 30th, 2024, the VRC convened over forty nationally recognized experts and other stakeholders from academia, government, and community-based organizations on the University of Maryland, College Park campus for a day-long session. At the Symposium on Community Violence Problem Analysis, participants discussed best practices, current challenges, and strategic opportunities for improving quality and expanding access to these critically needed tools. 

The Symposium was supported by the Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund and the Joyce Foundation. A white paper based on the proceedings will be available soon. To learn more, read a recent article about the symposium here